Thursday, February 7, 2013


February strikes again.

Yesterday I received the heartbreaking news that a dear friend lost her baby, more than halfway through her pregnancy.  I simply cannot imagine what she must be going through right now.  And on top of that devastating loss, she is recovering from emergency surgery.  My heart is breaking for her and her family.  As I have mentioned before, I have a hard time processing others' losses, as I have no choice but to filter everything through my own grief.  The loss of a child is the only thing I can imagine as being worse than the loss of a spouse.  I don't want to even think about the emotions she must be feeling now, and indeed will feel forever.  I can only hope that her physical healing goes quickly, and that she is able to find some peace in the future.

This friend is a tough cookie.  She has her head screwed on right, has always been very pragmatic, and has a warm, sparkling personality.  She has a wonderful sense of humor, and doesn't take herself, or anyone else, too seriously.  She is a fiercely loyal friend, and she is the kind of girl you want to have on your side (she can be a bit intimidating!)  I hope for her sake, and for that of her family, that she pulls through this with the strength and perseverance that I have always seen in her.  I hope she doesn't lose her ability to laugh, to be light.

I hope that when she is ready to talk, or to cry, that she will be able to call me and know that I want her to share with me.

Seriously, February, are you kidding me?

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