Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lucky Number 13?

Well, here we are, 11 days into 2013, and so far so good.

I welcomed 2013 with Max in my arms and Maddy by my side.  Deciding what to do for NYE was not easy for me.  First I thought I should get out of town.  Then I thought I should stay in and drink champagne alone in my bed.  Then I thought I should Go Out.  Then I spontaneously decided to go to the Eve of the Eve charity event (which ended up being a very fun night.  I let loose, had a wild and wonderful moment that can only happen on a night like that, had a good time with some friends, met some new people, and enjoyed seeing everyone all dressed up).  So for actual NYE, I was just going to lay low.  I ended up going to a concert with a friend who has recently come back into my life, and it was the perfect way to spend the evening.  Stayed sober, ran into someone I know (which made me feel super legit), and enjoyed some good music.  We left after the opening act, so that I could be home by midnight.  It was great to wake up on January first feeling healthy and rested.  Sure, there were some tears, but how could there not be?  That afternoon I got in a good workout with a couple of my Crossfit buddies and they even started teaching me some boxing basics (fun despite the stinky gloves!)

And so the year got off to a good start.  I did a driving tour of various schools courtesy of the friend with whom I spent NYE, and have some research to do (plenty of time, but good to start thinking about it sooner rather than later).

And then on the 4th, Max and I flew to LA to visit my friend Megan and her family.  I probably have about 5 posts' worth of material from our trip, so I will try to break it up a bit.  I have to start by introducing Megan.  We have known one another since we were 15 years old, sophomore year of high school, when we both started out at prep school.  We were good friends in high school, and shared some memorable times (such as the morning of our graduation, when I was hunting her down on campus to bring her dress to her!)  We stayed close through college and after.  We spent her 21st birthday running around Boston barefoot.  I was in her wedding.  We had babies 3 weeks apart (her second, my first).  And when JP died, Megan was an absolute rock for me.  She was one of the first of my friends to arrive, and last to leave.  It was the first time I experienced her being a calm presence (she is a very high energy chick!).  Having her and her daughter Ruby (her younger daughter) there with me was so comforting.  And since then, she has continued to be such a great source of love and support.

A week is a long time to stay with someone.  And when kids are involved, it's even more complicated.  But Megan and her husband Tony never made me feel like we were imposing.  They truly are the best hosts Ever.  I felt so comfortable and at home, and they took ridiculously good care of us.  We did so many fun things, and I took away a lifetime worth of wonderful memories.

Travel with a toddler is not easy.  But having those three kids together was such a treat!  Max loved being with the girls, and he and Ruby, or Veebo as he called her, were so cute together.  Megan and Tony are wonderful parents and I learned so much from Megan.  She is a stellar mother and such a natural!  It was so great to see her in action.  I hope that by the time Max is asking me questions like her almost-3-year-old does, I will get better at creative, informative answers!  She is so patient and kind with her children, and skilled at discipline when necessary (not often - those girls are so wonderful!)

Being with Megan, both with and without the kids, was so good for me.  Everything about the trip felt like it was feeding my soul and spirit.  It truly made me feel like this year is going to bring good things, and that I have so much to look forward to.

It also made me think that I really need to consider moving out west after school.  The mountains spoke to me.  I miss them.  As much as I love Chicago, the midwest is so flat and boring.  I saw a whole new side of the LA area to which I had been utterly blind the summer I lived out there.

I will get into the details of my trip later, but for now I will close by saying that I'm feeling good about the new year.  New semester, new haircut and color, new attitude.  Things are looking up in 2013.


  1. So funny because I have been thinking of moving to Chicago in the fall!! Lets do it!

  2. Chicago is a wonderful city. I adore the city and its history, all the neighborhoods, the incredible amount of culture and diversity, and the people. And the food! In all likelihood, I will end up staying here. It has become my home. You should totally move here. I would love to hang out with you in person! Also, the fact that I am loving on Chicago when it has been So Freaking Cold for the past week or so has to say a lot about this fine city...
