When today started, I was excited to get text updates about one of my best friends' progress in the marathon. This amazing girl had a baby three months ago and she ran the Boston Marathon. Hello, can you say Inspiring? Rockstar?
I was feeling good about where I was with school work, and still on a bit of a high from stringing together two muscle ups on the rings yesterday. My biggest concern was whether I should go for a run or go to Crossfit (the workout was heavy lifting, including finding a one rep max shoulder press, and I knew my shoulders were shot after my less-than efficient work on the rings). I opted to do the lifting, but eased off the shoulder work. Just when I was thinking I should have run instead, I got a 35 pound PR (personal record) on my back squat, going from 135 to 170. Win!
When I finished Crossfit, I saw my friend's final result in the marathon. 3:24:45. I was so proud of her. The sun was shining, and I was just thinking about all the inspiring women in my life, having just seen some of the bad ass chicks from my gym who will be competing in the Crossfit Regionals getting meaty and putting in some good hard work at the box. I purposely avoided any news or social media because I'd taped the Red Sox game. I was feeling all warm and fuzzy - Patriots' Day, Marathon Day, and the only day when Jerry Remy gets to start the broadcast with "Buenos Dias, Amigos" due to the early start time (and points it out every year). Marathon Monday is a big deal in Boston, a city steeped in history. The marathon has been run since 1897. The Red Sox have played at home on Patriots' Day since 1959. Being from MA, despite never having lived in Boston, I just feel the "specialness" of this day.
Then I got a text from a friend saying that our Marathon Mama was ok. I assumed it was in reference to being exhausted from running a freaking marathon 3 1/2 months after having a baby. But no, that's not what she meant. And so I started following the shocking news. Reaching out to friends to make sure they were ok, checking Facebook for posts from friends who live in Boston.
Why can't people just be kind to one another? This life is full of quite enough senseless loss and tragedy without us bringing it upon one another.
Tomorrow, in between getting my hip dry needled and prepping for my next presentation (not exactly sure what I said in the one I did tonight...), I will be holding Max extra close and telling him I love him a few extra times. Because you should never take a single moment for granted.
Stay strong, Boston...
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