Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sunshine and Rainbows

Life is not all sunshine and rainbows.  I know that as well as anyone.  You might think it's all sunshine and rainbows one minute, and the next get struck by lightning, have your entire life rocked to the core by a thunderclap of epic proportions, which, BTW, was NOT in the forecast.  

And it would be delusional to think that the storms will every truly go away.  They will pass, but they will come again.  

Now, when there is sunshine, either in the weather outside or inside of me, I take the time to acknowledge it, and be thankful for it.  

Yesterday and today were pretty sunshiny and rainbow-esque, despite the pouring rain yesterday (and the smell of worms drowning on the sidewalk last night - least favorite part of spring!).

I had the nicest lunch date with Max yesterday.  We both did some coloring (mine was a little better than his, but I'll cut him some slack since he is not even 2 yet), he did some dancing, and he even stayed in the high chair for the whole meal.  

Then I worked out, and despite the first part of the WOD being snatches, plus a horrible rowing piece and then clapping pushups and v-ups (yuck and ugh!), I had a good workout.  

And then.  And THEN my amazing friend Anthony brought over frakking AMAZEBALLS pumpkin cheesecake.  Dude can bake.  Best cheesecake I have ever tasted.  I feel like I need a moment alone just thinking about that cheesecake.  Plus a sweet internship-eve card.  If you don't have a friend like this, I suggest you go out and find one.  Like right now.  Pretty sure everyone who knows him counts him in their "favorite people" list.  Because he's seriously the nicest person ever, so thoughtful and says the right things.  Like he never says the wrong things, which people so often do.  And when I told my mom he bakes (she's met him and loves him), she said something along the lines of, "that Anthony seems like quite a catch," to which Max responded "Anthony a catch!  Anthony a!"  Hilarious.  And ladies, he is available.  I'm not sure how (not only is he smart, funny, thoughtful, and a phenom in the kitchen, but he is also a big sexy beast - a true modern day Renaissance man), but he is.  

Aaand before he stops bringing me baked goods and wants to smack me for embarrassing him, I will move on.  But Anthony, if you ever need someone to pen a personal ad for you for Craigslist, I'd be more than happy to do the honors ;)

Moving on, then.

Today was the first day of my internship.  I'm working with a consulting company on training and HR initiatives.  Really excited about the team I'm working for, and all the projects I'll be able to be involved in.  One is a big, brand new training initiative that will take place over 3 days in Vegas.  And guess what?  They're bringing me.  Even though I will be working my butt off, I am super psyched.  Vegas is, of course, one of my happy places.  

I'm working part-time until after my classes officially end on May 1, then going full-time.  It's going to be a busy summer, but will be totally worth it, I can already tell.

Went straight from my internship to a meeting, then class.  And when I got home, Max was out on the patio and did this little happy dance when he saw me.  Highlight of the day!  He was so cute, and was adorable all through dinner.

I even got a workout in today - and PR'd on my front squat and ran a decently fast mile.  I felt like I had to go to Crossfit after doing some serious paleo might be time for another strict 30 days soon.

So right now, even though I know this summer will be tough, and even though tomorrow will be exhausting (going in early to register for the summer semester before work, then rushing home to take Maddy to therapy, PT for my hip, then 2 Crossfit classes in the evening...), I'm feeling the warmth of the sun and admiring all the colors of the rainbow.

Life is not always good.  But when it is, soak it up.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Take a Moment to Reflect

Today, all across MA, at 2:50pm, bells rang and folks participated in a moment of silence to honor victims of the Boston Marathon bombing.  At Gillette, they spelled out Boston for an aerial photo.  The image of the crowd by the marathon finish line is touching.  I'm sure that thoughtful demonstrations took place at college campuses across the state.

As I was taking a moment of silence here in Chicago, with my heart and mind focused on Massachusetts, I decided to take a moment of reflection for myself.  I had been a little disappointed in my workout today - I'm being extremely conservative with my hip, so I had to adjust the programming, and wasn't able to get a new PR on my shoulder press.  I'm definitely in denial about the fact that starting the day after tomorrow, I am going to be losing a lot of my time with Max, as well as freedom in my schedule.  And, as usual, there are just a list of things that I'm not feeling great about.

But it is a gorgeous day in Chicago (I'm out in the sunshine, where I have been sitting and working on homework that I'm really enjoying despite it being finals time!), and I think it's so important to take time here and there to just reflect on the good things.  They don't have to be big good things either; they can be little reminders of the many pieces that come together to make a day, an afternoon, a moment, good.

Just to reiterate, it is Lovely here.  Sun is out, it's not too hot or too chilly.  This is a welcome change from the monsoons, snow, and general cold dreariness we have been experiencing thus far this April.

So I couldn't PR on my shoulder press.  Who cares?  I'm reminding myself that I made a deal with myself a while back that I would not get caught up on getting heavier and heavier on my lifts.  And just last night I made the call to get rid of a purple halter dress that used to look so good because now with my jacked shoulders and arms, it makes me look a bit like a cross-dresser.  I love being fit and making progress with my abilities, but I don't necessarily need to be building so much strength (slash muscle slash mass!).  Is this my attempt to justify "failures" to my competitive nature?  Maybe.  But even if I'm not adding more weight to the Olympic bar than I was a few months ago, I am seeing progress - in my ring muscle ups, handstand push ups, being able to use a heavier wall ball or kettle bell, shaving time off of workouts.  So it's ok to level off a bit on weightlifting.

Max is getting cuter and smarter every day.  He is so funny, so in tune with his surrounding and so interested in everything, and boy does that kid love to eat!  My parents and I pretty much all eat at different times, so he basically just goes from his meal to the next to the next all morning and into the late afternoon.  Yeah, he takes after both of his parents - champion chow hounds, the both of us.

Maddy is doing well.  She even got on the outdoor couch without assistance today.  She's going for long walks (while I rock out to Liz Phair and look like a crazy person in my Crossfit duds).

I have awesome friends, and am reminded of this constantly.  I don't get to see enough of them - even the ones who live in Chicago - but I have an amazing group of people in my life, and that network continues to grow, which makes me happy because it's not always easy for me to make friends, especially considering everything I'm dealing with now.  Friends, you rock.  If I don't tell you all that enough, I apologize, but know that I'm thinking it all the time, and I appreciate everything you do for me.

And my parents - yeah, I'm a lucky girl.  Knowing that Max will be with them when I'm away all day at work is what makes me think I will be able to make it through on a daily basis without breaking down in tears. And I swear I will try to give them more opportunities for breaks (though with Max entering preschool, they will be getting more time without him already).

Hmm, I guess I got into some bigger things there, but back to a little one - Game of Thrones.  Man I love that show.  And just when I was afraid that Khaleesi wasn't going to make an appearance in last night's episode, BAM!  I watched that scene at least 3 times.  I would like to have a soundtrack of her speaking in Valyrian to play whenever I need to get amped up for something.

Also, last night I tried on ALL of the clothes that are hanging in my closet because I have to weed stuff out.  Didn't manage to put much in the "to go" pile (except that dress - grr) but I am going to make an effort to actually wear more of my clothes.  Maybe going to my internship (which doesn't require wearing a suit, but will require not just wearing my workout clothes all day...) will help.  It might be nice to be able to put "real" clothes on (for at least a week, anyway)

And now it's time to get ready for the last meeting of my Org Culture and Design class with my favorite instructor.  The best part is that it's all presentations and I did mine last week.  So I can just sit back, relax, and as long as I ask a couple of questions, I'm golden.

Why don't you join me in taking a moment to reflect on a handful of things that are good in your life right now, or just letting go of the less-than-stellar things on your mind?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

What a long strange trip

That Onion article that's done the rounds on FaceBook said it best: "Jesus, This Week!"

The past week has certainly been full of...intense stuff.  Being from MA, and due to the fact that what happened at the marathon, and then on Friday in Watertown, was an act of terrorism rather than an accident, I admittedly didn't pay much attention to the explosion in West, TX.  (Side note: who names a town just West?  I'm convinced they were smoking something.)  My heart has been in Boston for this past week, and I spent much of Friday evening glued to the TV watching coverage of the chase and apprehension of the terror team.  I'm glad that I got to see the apprehension play out with Max.  While we watched the news, when he heard sirens, he would yell, "sirens, sirens!  Hurry, hurry!  Go go firetruck!"  So cute.

I am so proud to be from MA right now.  To see the way the city went into lockdown, the way the community as a whole pulled together, the way those in power said "oh hell no, I did NOT leave the South Side for this!" and got the job done... (yes, I just had to put a Mean Girls reference in there).  I am proud to be a Masshole.  The first responders, the law enforcement teams that put their lives in danger to find the Tsarnaevs - Boston Strong, indeed.

And it's no secret that Boston's sports teams are an integral part of the city, of the entire regional culture.  We are a fan base that refers to ourselves as simply "the Nation."  I mean, we even held elections for the position of President of Red Sox Nation.  Whether or not you pay your dues to be a card-carrying (no joke) member of Red Sox Nation, if you're from New England (and you like sports), you go on the emotional roller coaster of highs and lows with every baseball/football/hockey/basketball season.  In "Title Town," there are high expectations of our teams.  And so it should come as no surprise that our teams, and their fans, did great things to help the community, and the country, start the healing process.  From fundraising efforts for the victims, to Bruins fans taking over on the National Anthem, to the Bruins players giving the shirts off their backs to first responders, to the touching tribute (f-bomb and all) before Saturday's Red Sox game, these teams are doing their part to bring back their fans' spirits.  Boston Strong.

In light of everything, what originally seemed like an overwhelming week for me personally is certainly trifling in comparison.  I had two final presentations on Monday and Wednesday, and my school Assessment Center (meant to help us see where we are with the competencies we should be learning through our curriculum, and allow us to come up with a developmental plan for the remainder of the program).  I didn't think anything went particularly poorly, or particularly well.  It was all just fine, and I was happy to be done.  I ended up rewarding myself with a very fun Saturday, not the day I had planned, but one of those fun, random days/nights.  Super ridiculous, super fun, and it ended with lots of cookies and no paleo guilt.

JP would have been so proud of the way that Boston responded to the bombings.  No doubt he would have ordered every Boston Strong, B Strong, and One Boston shirt he could find.  I wonder how I would have experienced this 15+ months ago.  Would I have gotten so emotional about the whole situation?  Would I have cried at every tribute/national anthem?  I don't know.  Once again, my grief and sense of loss creates a strange filter through which I experience anything involving grief or loss.  And there is the fact that it was Boston, which JP would always refer to as "home" for both of us, though neither of us ever lived within the city limits, and we never even lived in MA together.

Anyway.  Events like this make us all realize that we cannot, should not, take anything in this life for granted.  As I take some deep breaths in preparation for a summer working at a full-time internship on top of classes, and wonder when I will see Max, I have to just remember to appreciate and take advantage of every moment.  The internship is a good thing, for me and for Max.  I will still have some time with him in the evenings, and, yes, I will probably be waking him up in the mornings before I take off.  And I am going to pack so much fun into the weekends, it's going to be ridiculous.  I know I'm going to be exhausted, trying to keep up with my internship, classes, Max, Crossfit, and also trying to maintain some semblance of a social life (hello, street festivals and all my favorite cover bands!), but somehow I will find the energy to live life to the fullest.  I will find my inner reserve of Boston Strong.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Marathon Monday

I'm not sure exactly where to start.  I've been pretty weepy all day, my heart aching for everyone affected by the tragic events at the Boston Marathon.  I'm sure that the fact that it's the 15th of the month doesn't help, either.

When today started, I was excited to get text updates about one of my best friends' progress in the marathon.  This amazing girl had a baby three months ago and she ran the Boston Marathon.  Hello, can you say Inspiring?  Rockstar? 

I was feeling good about where I was with school work, and still on a bit of a high from stringing together two muscle ups on the rings yesterday.  My biggest concern was whether I should go for a run or go to Crossfit (the workout was heavy lifting, including finding a one rep max shoulder press, and I knew my shoulders were shot after my less-than efficient work on the rings).  I opted to do the lifting, but eased off the shoulder work.  Just when I was thinking I should have run instead, I got a 35 pound PR (personal record) on my back squat, going from 135 to 170.  Win! 

When I finished Crossfit, I saw my friend's final result in the marathon.  3:24:45.  I was so proud of her.  The sun was shining, and I was just thinking about all the inspiring women in my life, having just seen some of the bad ass chicks from my gym who will be competing in the Crossfit Regionals getting meaty and putting in some good hard work at the box.  I purposely avoided any news or social media because I'd taped the Red Sox game.  I was feeling all warm and fuzzy - Patriots' Day, Marathon Day, and the only day when Jerry Remy gets to start the broadcast with "Buenos Dias, Amigos" due to the early start time (and points it out every year).  Marathon Monday is a big deal in Boston, a city steeped in history.  The marathon has been run since 1897.  The Red Sox have played at home on Patriots' Day since 1959.  Being from MA, despite never having lived in Boston, I just feel the "specialness" of this day. 

Then I got a text from a friend saying that our Marathon Mama was ok.  I assumed it was in reference to being exhausted from running a freaking marathon 3 1/2 months after having a baby.  But no, that's not what she meant.  And so I started following the shocking news.  Reaching out to friends to make sure they were ok, checking Facebook for posts from friends who live in Boston.  

Why can't people just be kind to one another?  This life is full of quite enough senseless loss and tragedy without us bringing it upon one another. 

Tomorrow, in between getting my hip dry needled and prepping for my next presentation (not exactly sure what I said in the one I did tonight...), I will be holding Max extra close and telling him I love him a few extra times.  Because you should never take a single moment for granted.

Stay strong, Boston...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Unfinished Business

Right now there are a lot of things that feel unsettled for me.

Here we are almost 14 months out and the estate still hasn't closed.  My lawyer has not responded to multiple emails asking what we're supposed to do to close the estate and get the accounts settled now that the guardianship hearing is over.  The hearing took place in January and the only communication I have received from his office since then has been in the form of invoices.  Awesome.

Then there is the question of what I'm going to do this summer.  Do I try to get an internship?  My grad school program requires two 300-hour internships, which can be done during any two of our three remaining semesters.  It would be good to get one done, but there is something to be said for taking advantage of this summer as my last chance to not be working, and enjoy outdoor activities with Max.  We're not going to get this chance again.  So I guess if something absolutely ideal comes my way, I won't say no.  But I also don't plan on settling.  It would be so fun to be able to go to parks with Max, to the lakefront, and be able to play outside now that he's a mobile, social little dude.  In the fall and spring semesters, I would have more time to space out the requisite hours, and working when it's not summer feels like less of a sacrifice, plus I'm planning on putting Max in a preschool program a couple days a week starting in the fall anyway.

Of course, I am stressed about the "what comes next?" question - after grad school.  Job, where we'll be, etc.  But that's just too massive to even think about right now.

And lastly, there's the business of me.  I saw this recently on someone's FB wall:

I feel like now that a year has passed, I'm out of the storm part.  There will always be cloudy days, and even hurricane season, but the big storm has, I believe, blown over.  And now I have to figure out who I am in its wake.  I've done some soul searching, especially since the holidays, trying to figure out who I am now, and who I want to be, and how to get there, and how I should be comporting myself along the way.  It is so incredibly difficult to go through this self-evaluation and self-discovery process under these circumstances.  Sometimes I feel like I have multiple personality disorder.  

At times, I revert back to parts of my younger self that really should have been left in college.  And that's not good because I say and do really stupid things, and I can't be acting like that because I'm 33 and I have a child.  I'm not the girl I was when I met JP at 23, and I'm also not the girl I lost him at 32, because much of that version of myself was shaped by him and by our relationship.  Losing your partner changes you in many more ways than those directly related to the loss and the grief.  You truly do have to become a different version of yourself.  And when I think about the fact that it took me 9 years to become the person I was when I lost JP, it's no wonder that I'm going through some growing pains with this new and unwelcome transition phase.

I've taken steps toward a better, stronger me, no doubt.  From going back to school to start a career to trying to do what's best for Max and his upbringing to going paleo and embracing Crossfit for my health and mental/emotional wellbeing.  But there are areas in which I feel profoundly inadequate, or like a complete failure.  It may be time for a list of goals...

I'll start with these:
  • Spend more quality time with Max
  • Focus on time management and increasing efficiency and productivity
  • Start acting like a lady (who is 33 and has a toddler)
  • Get more sleep

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Body of Christ Compels You

Made it through Easter, after a week of ups and downs.  And, ya know, today was a pretty good day.  I was not expecting that.

Max and I dyed eggs last night for the Easter Bunny to hide.  Now I know why they give you that little metal egg holder...I had so much dye under and around my fingernails that I had to paint them dark sparkly gray (which I'm not thrilled about, given that I have an internship interview Tuesday, but it's better than looking like I've been drilling for oil - that stuff does NOT come off).  And it wasn't a very toddler-friendly kit, but he had a great time helping.

When he woke up, I brought him out to the living room, and he saw one of the eggs and immediately said "Easter Bunny brought the egg!"  So cute.  He had a great time finding eggs with Disney characters and matchbox cars in them, but after about 10 minutes, my mom and I were ready to start giving him clues, much to my father's dismay.  I've never been a big fan of Easter egg hunts.  I guess I'm just more of an immediate gratification kinda girl...

After a nice (paleo) breakfast, we went to Easter Mass at the nearby church.  I was overdressed in my winter jacket and tights - it was so sunny and warm!  The church was beautiful, and I was so glad that I decided not to go to the one where JP's funeral was held.  Even though that one was where he and I had gone on Easter, it just makes me so sad every time I'm there.  This place was huge, crowded, and (just as my MIL promised) had wonderful music.  We were up with the instruments, so Max could see the big kettle drums, which I probably thought was cooler than he did.  He behaved perfectly during the service.  I came close to nodding off a couple times, probably because I was just trying not to think too much, but I did enjoy the music.

Next up was Crossfit.  I have to say, I love going to open gym.  Right now it's fun to watch people who are taking the Games WODs seriously, but I just like the vibe in general.  I'm getting more comfortable with figuring out what to do, what skills I want to work on, etc.  And it's fun to spend some time just seeing what people are doing.  I did something called the Filthy Fifty with a buddy, which is 50 reps each of 10 different movements:
  • box jumps
  • jumping pull ups
  • kettle bell swings
  • knees to elbows
  • walking lunges
  • push presses
  • back extensions (we subbed abmat sit ups because my hip says back extensions are a no-go, along with pretty much any exercise that would work the same muscles)
  • wall balls
  • burpees
  • double unders
It felt good to just do some hard work, and not think.

After, I stuck around and then worked on trying for muscle up number 2 on the rings.  I got it.  Nearly dislocated my thumb in the process, but it happened.  Definitely a fun skill to work on, despite the fact that my wrists and palms are a bit raw...

The rest of the afternoon was dedicated to homework and cooking.  Trader Joe's, Martha Stewart and I make a good team for Easter dinner - I'm just sayin'.  If you are what you eat, I am a lamb right now.  And Max is a bowl of mint jelly.

Max continued to be super cute all day, saying "Happy Easter Bunny to you" and talking about how the Easter Bunny rides a motorcycle (one of the toys from his eggs).  Man, that kid is a cutie!

And when it was time for him to go to bed, my mom had him, and he reached for me and said "mama sing."  That was the highlight of my day, for sure.

But as nice as today was, I am just happy to check off another holiday.  I know there's always going to be another rough spot on the horizon, but hopefully for a little while, I can just have a slice of normal.  Now, time to celebrate getting through today with a little wine and Game of Thrones. 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fantastic Friday

Yesterday I was on a mission to beat the blues.  It was Good Friday and dag nab it, I was going to have a good Friday.  I felt like I was letting things get to me too much on Thursday.  So I was going to turn my frown upside down.

Max had a decent swimming class.  Not his best, but he had a good time, and is enjoying it SO much more than he used to.  I'm not a huge fan of having to stand around before class with all the parents who are there watching older kids, while I'm there with no pants on.  And I don't love that Max can unlock and open the changing room door (the whole locker room area is coed, upping the ante on the risk factor).  I also don't love spending 30 minutes in a pool that I know is full of pee, but that's the deal with kiddie swim classes, of course.  I just pretend that chlorine is akin to magic and pretend I don't know what's in the water when I demo blowing bubbles for Max.

My big moment was at Crossfit.  The Games WOD wasn't my best - I didn't do it at Rx, and my scaled down weight was plenty heavy for me.  I figured that it would be a better idea to get more work in and not aggravate my hip further, and not be worried about failing on the lifts (probably a good call since already when I went to PT after, my hips were way out of alignment).  After the workout, I wanted to get on the rings and work on muscle ups (going from hanging on rings, or a bar, to supporting yourself above them, or it).  We'd been working on them in gymnastics class, and they had been in a previous Games WOD, and I have been wanting to get one for a long time.  I had made them my goal for 2013.  I was close on Thursday night, and I was determined to keep trying until it happened.  After a couple kinda sorta close-to-almost-there attempts, and lots of feedback from the folks in the box who "have" them, I gave myself a deadline of 20 minutes (when I would have to go to PT for my hip).  I taped up my hand, having ripped some skin on the last attempt, and hopped back up.  And I did it!  It was not pretty, but it happened.  In the grand scheme of things, having muscle ups is Not a Big Deal.  But it's a goal I had set for myself, and I had been wanting it so badly.  And in the week before a holiday, hitting a goal like that was a serious win for me.  It erased a lot of the blah I'd been feeling.  It was great to have it happen when a good number of my CF buddies and coaches were there, too.  I pretty much had perma-grin for the rest of the day.

Now I can't wait to get back on the rings and make sure that one wasn't a fluke...and start stringing them together!

Here is what it looks like when a legit athlete does muscle ups, for those of you who aren't familiar:

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pre-Holiday Funk...Again

Since my last post, I've been meaning to share some of the positive things that have been going on in my life lately.  I've definitely made some strides and introduced some changes that have made me happier and healthier.  I've embraced paleo eating habits (no processed junk, no grains, no legumes, no dairy, no sweets - just lean meats, veggies, fruits, and nuts).  My energy level has risen noticeably, and I feel great.  Crossfit continues to be an amazing source of all kinds of good things for me - strength, community, support...and despite the fact that I have a messed-up sacroiliac joint that now requires PT, I'm continuing to see gains, while being mindful not to push myself too hard.

But somehow I just wasn't able to translate the positives into posts.  And I think it's because in the back of my mind, I knew that we were coming up on another holiday.  Holidays, no matter how little relevance they actually had for me and JP, are always going to be difficult.  Easter was not a big deal for us because we never celebrated it as a family.  We went to Mass, I would cook a big dinner, but let's be honest - Easter is about the bunny and the egg hunts and the candy.  And those are the parts that adults don't do on their own (with the exception of Cadbury Creme Eggs...)

Last year I was still in a daze at Easter.  And Max was too young to have any idea about the hoopla of the holiday.  This year is a whole different story.  We took pictures with the Easter Bunny at the local dog store (Maddy's favorite place in the whole wide world), and there has been constant talk about the Easter Bunny bringing fun stuff.  I have to get into it for Max.

I figured that given how well I've been doing, I would have no problem getting into the spirit and getting through, or even enjoying, the holiday.  But over the past week, I've been cranky and a bit blue.  And it wasn't until a friend pointed it out (in response to a text I sent about a regrettable late-night Girl Scout cookie binge) that I truly realized the extent to which the upcoming holiday has affected my mood and behavior. 

I've definitely been implementing some dubious coping mechanisms (see aforementioned cookie binge - not my finest moment).  And I've been testy with my mom (ok, so that happens regardless of holiday blues).  And I've been pretty unmotivated.  And a bit worried about the future, bummed about my hip being out of whack, and just feeling disengaged in general.  Just feeling "meh."

While I doubt there is any real "solution" to holiday-induced funks, I'm pretty certain that there are better ways of dealing with them than, say, drinking wine in bed or scarfing down Samoas.  Working out is a given for me, and tonight I plan on spending about 3 hours at the gym, Crossfitting my blues away.  Making adjustments is another - for example, I decided that it would be a good idea for us to switch and go to a different church on Sunday.  The one we usually go to is the one where JP's funeral was held, and while I may go back to that one some day (it's where he and I went on Easter), right now, it's not a place where I feel much peace.  Christmas Mass there was horrible for me.  We'll see if the change in venue helps at all.  And no doubt I will be going on a cleaning rampage while my parents are out to dinner tomorrow night.  That is always a good little therapy session for me.  Also, I got to use my favorite funk-reduction technique, which is buying plane tickets.  Booked myself and Max for our trip to Western Mass for my 15th high school reunion.  While I'm out there, not only will I see some of my closest, most awesomest gal pals and their progeny, but will also get to see some childhood friends, one of whom will be in town from Costa Rica, and their little ones.  I'm "wicked psyched," to use some Masshole lingo. 

And of course I'm also going to just let myself sit in my grief a bit.  I'm going to make time for that over the weekend, rather than just trying to beat it down and ignore it, or stay too busy to acknowledge it.  This is a part of me, and a part of my relationship with JP, and I have to honor that and give the tears their time, too. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Milestones and March Madness

Yikes.  It has been a Long time since I blogged.  Things have just been a little crazy here.  I'll try to keep this short.

First, I survived February.  With the exception of a couple minor incidents, which I will chalk up to end-of-the-worst-month-insanity, I pretty much kicked February's butt.  I survived my first birthday without JP.  Valentine's Day.  And the one-year sadiversary.  There was definitely some sharking happening, and I had the support of some amazing friends and family to get me through it all.

I had an idea in my head that on 2/15/13, I would post about 2/15/12.  But I didn't have it in me.  Maybe at some point, but right now, I'm not ready to go back to that night.  And honestly, I think I had put So Much on the year mark that it was almost just a relief to reach it, to get past it.  JP's mom had been staying with us, and she had a wonderful visit with Max, who charmed her completely (of course).  It was so good to see the two of them together, and he was so attached to her - I'm not sure if it meant more to her or to me to see that!  He got sick - norovirus, maybe - on the 14th, and it was the first time I've seen him puke, or be legitimately out-of-it, so it was a huge relief that it only lasted a few hours.  That night, my friend Erica (the one who coined the term widow mouth) arrived, and it was so nice to have her by my side for the weekend.

On the day of the 15th, we had a memorial mass.  The chapel looked like it was some weird addition to a hunting lodge, but there were a bunch of folks who showed up, which meant so much to me and to Gail.  Despite a bit of a freak-out on my part due to one of the guys who did the readings putting out a prayer that the IL house would not pass the bill for gay marriage (thankfully Erica calmed me down before I totally lost it), it was a very nice ceremony.  After, Gail treated a bunch of us to breakfast, where Max had a blast devouring waffles.

That night, people congregated at the house.  It was a fitting celebration of JP - we had a slideshow going, and Max was up late raging around with the kids and enjoying the company of some of his favorite people.  I just remember feeling very much at peace, knowing that JP would want me to spend that night surrounded by some of the most important people in our lives.  And the next night, just as he would have expected, Erica and I went out and danced our butts off in Boystown.

I had heard many times that things get easier after the year mark.  And I do think something changed.  Of course I'm always going to carry this heavy sorrow with me.  I'm always going to miss him.  I'm going to shed many tears.  There are going to be many milestones and difficult times of every year, when I just want to scream about how unfair it is, how much I miss him, how much I would give to bring him back.  But with the passage of the year, I find myself more able to look forward, more at ease with this next chapter. 

In March I rewarded myself for making it through February.  Max and I spent the first 6 days in Albuquerque visiting my brother and his girlfriend.  When Erik got home from work, Max saw him through the gate and yelled "Uncle!" - which Erik claimed was the best moment of his life.  We had a wonderful visit, involving lots of good food, a great trip to Santa Fe, hiking, and exploring the Nob Hill area.  Max was a rock star traveler, and I managed to get the two of us, his stroller, 2 bags (suitcase and backpack), and his huge car seat from the baggage carousel to the cab and into the house with no problems.  I fell even more in love with the Southwest, and can't wait for our next visit.

We got a bonus day due to weather in Chicago, and upon our return, I literally handed Max off to my parents at the airport, jumped in the car to go home and get to class, and they got on a plane with him to Florida.  Thank goodness he is such a chill little jetsetter. 

While Max was living it up in Florida, I did a quick re-pack and headed to Colorado.  A group of my college friends was meeting up to surprise my friend Lily's husband for his 30th birthday.  Yeah, that's right - for his birthday, all her crazy rugby friends showed up.  The party was great, and he was completely surprised, and the next morning we all headed to Steamboat for a weekend of skiing. 

Despite some ominous weather forecasts, and a bit of a detour around the mountains, we made it to Steamboat and had a fantastic weekend.  I was glad I took a lesson the first day so that I was able to ski with the members of the group who were ok with taking it a bit easier on the second day.  Lots of wonderful memories from the long weekend, and I can't wait to get the next trip on the books.

So it's been a whirlwind over the past month, and on the 15th of this month was the first time that I didn't even think about the date.  It was the first time in 13 months that I had a legitimately GOOD 15th of the month. 

Couple pics from ABQ - hiking at Tent Rocks National Monument, and lunch at The Shed in Santa Fe.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

...Birthday to me

On Friday I had my first birthday as a widow.  And thanks to the support of my amazing friends, I managed to get through it without any major meltdowns.  Happy?  I don't know.  Not while I was sober...but I had a fun group out with me that night, and I definitely managed to compartmentalize and enjoy the evening.  There are parts I don't remember, and that might not be such a bad thing.

So, one more milestone checked off the list.  Survived.

Next up is the one-two punch of Valentine's Day and the one-year mark.  My friend Erica, one of my superstar friends, is coming to be with me, arriving Thursday night.  I have made a promise to myself and to JP that she and I will have fun together despite how awful Friday will be.  He loved her, and I know he would want me to have fun with her while she's here being the amazing support system she has been through this and so much else.

And JP's mom is here for the week.  She and Max are having an absolute blast.  She is so impressed by how verbal he is, and how amazing in general.  He wakes up from naps looking for Grammy, and has just completely taken to her.  It warms my heart to see them together.

They're going to have a long day tomorrow, with me being out of the house for school from 1pm until 9:30pm, but I'm sure they'll do fine.  I was pretty stressed about this week, with all the work I have to do, and the weather making it so that there are no options for outdoor activities, but I'm realizing that what needs to get done will get done, and I just have to let go a little.  It will all be fine.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


February strikes again.

Yesterday I received the heartbreaking news that a dear friend lost her baby, more than halfway through her pregnancy.  I simply cannot imagine what she must be going through right now.  And on top of that devastating loss, she is recovering from emergency surgery.  My heart is breaking for her and her family.  As I have mentioned before, I have a hard time processing others' losses, as I have no choice but to filter everything through my own grief.  The loss of a child is the only thing I can imagine as being worse than the loss of a spouse.  I don't want to even think about the emotions she must be feeling now, and indeed will feel forever.  I can only hope that her physical healing goes quickly, and that she is able to find some peace in the future.

This friend is a tough cookie.  She has her head screwed on right, has always been very pragmatic, and has a warm, sparkling personality.  She has a wonderful sense of humor, and doesn't take herself, or anyone else, too seriously.  She is a fiercely loyal friend, and she is the kind of girl you want to have on your side (she can be a bit intimidating!)  I hope for her sake, and for that of her family, that she pulls through this with the strength and perseverance that I have always seen in her.  I hope she doesn't lose her ability to laugh, to be light.

I hope that when she is ready to talk, or to cry, that she will be able to call me and know that I want her to share with me.

Seriously, February, are you kidding me?

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Big Game

First Super Bowl without JP.  I think if the Patriots had been in it, it would have been incredibly difficult.  As it was, I paid little attention to the game, and managed to have a nice time.

The first Super Bowl I watched with JP was in 2004, Patriots versus Panthers.  I remember we accidentally ended up at a Carolina bar in NYC.  The owner was a former star of Duke's basketball team.  And we had been referencing Office Space, and then a couple minutes later, Ron Livingston came in and sat right by us.  Weird.  And when the Pats won, the bar owner brought us a cheese and sausage platter as well as a bottle of champagne.  So nice!  The following year, I think we went to another bar.  I know we were in NYC, but I can't remember details.  In 2006, I was about to move to Chicago and things were a little strained between us.  I think that I was in MA and he was in Chicago.  In 2007, we had thrown my birthday party the night before, and my guess is that we watched it by ourselves at his condo.  In 2008, we were in DC and the Pats were playing the Giants.  I just remember that we turned off the tv with 2 minutes to go, and went to bed.  The next day, JP got to work to find that his Giants fan assistant had put Giants posters all over his office, in all his drawers, etc.  Pretty good prank.  In 2009, I think we threw a party.  We were back in Chicago, and I remember thinking I would never throw another Super Bowl party because I didn't get to watch any of the game or commercials due to being on hostess duty.  This was right before we got Maddy, before we went to St. John.  2010 and 2011 I have to say I don't remember.  I am guessing that we had done my karaoke 30th birthday party the night before the 2010 game, based on the dates.  In 2011 I was pregnant, so I'm guessing we just watched it at home, but I really don't remember.

Last year, all 3 of us put on all our Pats attire.  JP had been so excited about Max's first Super Bowl.  We expected a Patriots victory, of course.  Max didn't last much longer than kickoff, and neither did the Pats.  Once again, after a disappointing loss to the Giants, the jerseys were stripped off and tossed into the closet before the game ended, and we vowed not to speak of football until the next season.  Little did we know, there would be no next season.  Little did we know that our time together would end in 10 days' time.

This time of year used to be exciting.  Even if the Patriots weren't in the Super Bowl, I always enjoyed watching it with JP.  And now it's just another crappy part of a horrible month.  I'm glad I did something different, with people who didn't know JP.  I think that helped.  But I was missing my football fanatic, and I always will on Super Bowl Sunday.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


I have a set of Angel cards from years and years ago - high school, probably.  For anyone unfamiliar with Angel cards, they are just these little cards with inspirational words on them.  I'm not sure if they're supposed to work more as fortunes or suggestions for qualities you should try to embody, but either way, I just like them.  Lately I've been finding myself pulling cards on a pretty regular basis.  A few months ago, when I was really starting to get into making progress at CrossFit, I pulled the Strength card.  And more recently, when I was a bit lost and confused and not in a great place, I pulled the Clarity card (and took a picture, which ironically came out super blurry!)  After pulling the Clarity card, I got some things sorted out and ended up feeling like I was in a much better place.

Tonight I pulled Abundance.  My first thought was WTF.  I mean, it's February.  February = loss to me.  February means feeling utterly bereft and robbed and alone.  Abundance?  Maybe it was referring to the massive quantity of calories I consumed while having a girls' day today.

But then I took a moment to think about it.  What do I have in abundance?  Friends, love, support.  And lots of activities on my calendar.  I've managed to stay incredibly busy for the first two days of February, and I don't plan on slowing down until the end.  I am booking myself solid this month, and hoping that by staying busy and distracted, I will get past the 15th and out of the month without completely falling apart.

What else do I have in abundance?  Strength, for sure.  And faith that things will get better.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The F Word

I'm talking about February.  Worst month of the year.  As far as I'm concerned, February will never be anything but frakking awful.

On Super Bowl Sunday, I will remember that the last Super Bowl JP and I watched together, and the only one Max ever saw with his daddy, resulted in a Patriots loss.

February 8th is my birthday.  Last year marked the first and last time we went out to dinner, just the two of us, after Max was born.  My wonderful friend Blythe, who continues to be such an amazing, selfless, and helpful support system for me, insisted that we let her stay with Max while we went out.  Appropriately, we went to our favorite Greek restaurant.  I'm grateful for that nice memory.  But February 8th is always going to be painful.

Valentine's Day.  Our last night together.  Which was nice, as I've said before.  But man, I already pretty much hated that holiday and now...ugh.

And of course that is followed by the 15th.  For which I have no words.  That f-ing horrible juxtaposition of a "romantic" holiday followed by the anniversary of JP's death is just...not fair.

Oh and not to mention the fact that February is just the most dismal month of the year.  Bad weather, and just yuck.

Good thing it's also the shortest month of the year.

So what's my plan for getting through F-ing February?  Sharking, of course.  I'm keeping busy, starting with Day 1.  Trying to just fill my calendar so I don't obsess over the 15th, or the other no-fun time markers in between.  Ugh.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Should've known this would be tough...

Today I had my first visit to my lady doctor since losing JP.  In fact, the last time I was there, Max was 8 weeks old (I was getting the green light to start Crossfit), and the worst part was that I was leaking milk all over the gown.

I'd already alerted the office about JP's death, and because I wouldn't have to answer a "what's new since your last visit?" or "are you here because you're thinking about baby number two?" question with "my husband died," I didn't really give it much thought.  Until I sat down in the waiting room and saw the other patients: women with their husbands (these are usually the ones with the little bump, either eager to both be involved, or there for the 20-week ultrasound), and women with big bellies getting their glucose tests done, or there for their weekly checkup.  And so when my doctor, who has known me since 2006, who saw me through the frustration of not being able to get pregnant for a year, who helped me breeze through a healthy, wonderful pregnancy, asked "did I read this correctly in your file?" I dissolved into a weepy mess.  I'm not sure if I was able to convince her that I'm actually doing better than I seemed to be, but when she asked if I'm talking to anyone about it, and I said I tried therapy but hated it, so now I blog and Crossfit, she didn't push the issue.

Being in that office, 2 weeks away from 33, reminded me that if JP hadn't been taken from me, right about now is when I would have hoped to coming to the end of my first trimester with baby number two.  Now I worry that by the time I am ready for that again, if I even ever find someone with whom I would want to have a family, it will be too late.  I try not to think about that too often - I mean, I'm not even ready for dating - but it's hard not to think about the baby stuff when I see Max with other kids and want so much for him to have a sibling.

Good thing I only have to go to that office once a year.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

California Knows how to Party

I started this post a while ago, but between the chaos of getting back to non-holiday mode (new semester at grad school, Max's music and swimming classes, Maddy therapy, etc.) and the approach of the one-year mark, I haven't had the chance to blog.

As I said before, the trip was amazing.  Spending time with Megan and her family was so good for my heart and soul.  I had an absolute blast, and I am so lucky that I have friends like Megan.

Here are some of the highlights of the trip:

  • Kiddo dance parties!  Max had so much fun dancing with his buddies every night.
  • Bath time!  Rub-a-dub-dub, 3 little ones in a tub.
  • Hiking!  For all the Crossfit I do, the endurance classes I take...I was really sucking wind!  I'm sure the altitude didn't help, but boy do I see why Megan is looking so great these days!  
  • Going to a taping of Ellen.  Yeah, I did the worm on her stage during the audience warm up before the show - so fun!
  • Getting my In-N-Out and Fatburger fixes (if there were Fatburger in Chicago, I would weigh 300 pounds...)
  • Getting my Polly's Pies fix with my niece Jessica.
  • Driving through the canyons with Jessica and her boyfriend, spending some time with them on Venice Beach.
  • Driving on the 405 - can't explain it, but I felt super legit for some reason.
  • Girls' Game night at Megan's with her friends, who are all really nice.
  • Pilates classes - killer workout!  My abs were sore!
  • The zoo - we stayed for 3 hours, and there were no meltdowns (until we got in the car, that is!)
  • Bar Trivia (our team won), and karaoke.  Met a friend of one of Megan's friends who lives in my neighborhood (small world!) and met one of her neighbors, who is a musician, and is awesome (The White Buffalo - check him out!), and was amazing at karaoke.  Megan and I took the mic from a guy who was butchering Bob Marley, and did a really bad job with Salt-n-Pepa.  
  • And more than anything, just getting to spend so much quality time with a wonderful friend.  I don't have the words to express how much that girl means to me.  I'm so glad we made this trip work.  I have also found my new vacation destination.  
Here are some pics:

 What a great welcome!!

 After having some breakfast and pie at Polly's - just like I used to on Sundays when I lived in Westwood for a summer!

 Kidlets at the zoo

 We had a car full of crying, screaming kids (one of whom had wet herself), but that didn't stop us from waiting in a Long line of cars to get burgers and fries...

 Max getting pushed by the girls at the zoo.

 Carousel at the zoo.

 Max, Jessica, and Zoltar at Venice Beach.

 Us on TV!

 Here is what I was doing when I wasn't carrying Max - chasing him around so he wouldn't end up running off a ledge or mountainside!

 Max and Ruby, or Veebo, as he called her...

 Heavy lifting!

 Practicing my handstands on the mountain.

 We didn't even have to drive to get to this hike.  

 Max and Lily sharing a hug

 There were lots of jumping pics...

Getting back to real life has been an adjustment, but I have a lifetime of amazing memories from that week, and there will be many more trips to come!  And anytime I'm feeling overwhelmed by things, all I have to do is look at the pictures or think about the good times we had, and immediately I feel 100 times better.

Looking forward to when I can say, "I'm going, going back, back to Cali, Cali..."

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lucky Number 13?

Well, here we are, 11 days into 2013, and so far so good.

I welcomed 2013 with Max in my arms and Maddy by my side.  Deciding what to do for NYE was not easy for me.  First I thought I should get out of town.  Then I thought I should stay in and drink champagne alone in my bed.  Then I thought I should Go Out.  Then I spontaneously decided to go to the Eve of the Eve charity event (which ended up being a very fun night.  I let loose, had a wild and wonderful moment that can only happen on a night like that, had a good time with some friends, met some new people, and enjoyed seeing everyone all dressed up).  So for actual NYE, I was just going to lay low.  I ended up going to a concert with a friend who has recently come back into my life, and it was the perfect way to spend the evening.  Stayed sober, ran into someone I know (which made me feel super legit), and enjoyed some good music.  We left after the opening act, so that I could be home by midnight.  It was great to wake up on January first feeling healthy and rested.  Sure, there were some tears, but how could there not be?  That afternoon I got in a good workout with a couple of my Crossfit buddies and they even started teaching me some boxing basics (fun despite the stinky gloves!)

And so the year got off to a good start.  I did a driving tour of various schools courtesy of the friend with whom I spent NYE, and have some research to do (plenty of time, but good to start thinking about it sooner rather than later).

And then on the 4th, Max and I flew to LA to visit my friend Megan and her family.  I probably have about 5 posts' worth of material from our trip, so I will try to break it up a bit.  I have to start by introducing Megan.  We have known one another since we were 15 years old, sophomore year of high school, when we both started out at prep school.  We were good friends in high school, and shared some memorable times (such as the morning of our graduation, when I was hunting her down on campus to bring her dress to her!)  We stayed close through college and after.  We spent her 21st birthday running around Boston barefoot.  I was in her wedding.  We had babies 3 weeks apart (her second, my first).  And when JP died, Megan was an absolute rock for me.  She was one of the first of my friends to arrive, and last to leave.  It was the first time I experienced her being a calm presence (she is a very high energy chick!).  Having her and her daughter Ruby (her younger daughter) there with me was so comforting.  And since then, she has continued to be such a great source of love and support.

A week is a long time to stay with someone.  And when kids are involved, it's even more complicated.  But Megan and her husband Tony never made me feel like we were imposing.  They truly are the best hosts Ever.  I felt so comfortable and at home, and they took ridiculously good care of us.  We did so many fun things, and I took away a lifetime worth of wonderful memories.

Travel with a toddler is not easy.  But having those three kids together was such a treat!  Max loved being with the girls, and he and Ruby, or Veebo as he called her, were so cute together.  Megan and Tony are wonderful parents and I learned so much from Megan.  She is a stellar mother and such a natural!  It was so great to see her in action.  I hope that by the time Max is asking me questions like her almost-3-year-old does, I will get better at creative, informative answers!  She is so patient and kind with her children, and skilled at discipline when necessary (not often - those girls are so wonderful!)

Being with Megan, both with and without the kids, was so good for me.  Everything about the trip felt like it was feeding my soul and spirit.  It truly made me feel like this year is going to bring good things, and that I have so much to look forward to.

It also made me think that I really need to consider moving out west after school.  The mountains spoke to me.  I miss them.  As much as I love Chicago, the midwest is so flat and boring.  I saw a whole new side of the LA area to which I had been utterly blind the summer I lived out there.

I will get into the details of my trip later, but for now I will close by saying that I'm feeling good about the new year.  New semester, new haircut and color, new attitude.  Things are looking up in 2013.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


As we head into this new year, a year that holds so much promise (both good and bad), I've been trying to find a mantra.  Something that I will be able to recite to myself when I'm feeling down or overwhelmed, to get me back on track.

There were two contenders: "strength and honor" (Gladiator), and "clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose" (Friday Night Lights).

Gladiator is a movie that JP and I both loved separately (when I lived in Ireland, it was one of three movies my roommates and I owned, and we watched it ALL the time - in case you're wondering, the other two were The Big Lebowski and The Exorcist), and JP and I even used it as inspiration when naming Max (Maximos - the Greek spelling of Maximus).  Discovering strength I didn't realize I had has been one of the mayo themes of the past 10 1/2 months, and it's something I continue to work on.  And as for honor, I intend to live my life in a way that honors JP and the life and love we shared.

But in the end, while strength and honor will always be underlying themes regarding my actions, the goals I set for myself, and the example I hope to set for Max, I decided to go with "clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose."  JP introduced me to FNL, and it was one of the shows that we always watched together.  We loved getting to see the new seasons early on the Direct TV channel and then watching the whole thing again when it aired on NBC.  And who doesn't feel a connection to this phrase?  There is something moving and inspirational about it, something that you wouldn't find in most pre-game psych-up team cheers.

Here is what it means to me now:

Clear Eyes - I strive to keep my eyes open and focused on what I need to be doing for myself and for Max.  This is no easy task.  Being back in school, the picture of our future is a bit unclear, and that can be scary.  But as many changes as we are sure to see over the next few years, I will have my eyes on the prize, my goal of providing a good life for Max.  And beyond the logistics of securing our financial future, and that elusive work-life balance, there is the fact that my eyes are so often misted over by tears.  The salt on my contacts can literally make my vision blurry.  And while I am in a weepy fog, mourning the past and the future that we lost, I risk losing sight of the here and now, and the future.  In 2013 I will be working on honoring the past, and working with and through my grief, but not losing sight of what is in front of me, now and in the future.  I will set clear goals for myself and I will watch my progress toward those goals.  I will see the blessings in my life, pay tribute to them, and be grateful for them.  Clear Eyes!

Full Hearts - this one is tough for me.  Obviously, I am coping with devastating heartbreak, and there are many times when my heart feels so empty that I expect my whole being to shatter.  This year, I will make an effort to recognize that my heart is still full, not just of the love that JP and I shared, but of the love I have for, and receive from, Max and the rest of my family, and all of my wonderful friends.  In 2013, when I am feeling alone and empty and broken, I will take stock of all the love I have in my life.  I will let my heart be open to new love, not necessarily of the romantic variety, but just in general - I will be open to love in life.  Full Hearts!

Can't Lose - this one is even tougher.  I know that I will experience losses in 2013.  That's life.  It can't be helped.  One huge loss that I am sadly anticipating in this year is Maddy.  She is doing extremely well with her therapy - above and beyond what anyone would have expected or hoped for.  But at the end of the day, she has an incurable degenerative condition.  The neurologist had originally predicted February as the time by which she would no longer be able to walk.  While that prediction was happily inaccurate, it is just a matter of time, and as painful as it is to envision, I am trying to prepare myself to say farewell to my sweet girl in this calendar year.  However, I am trying to look at this one in a larger sense of losing versus winning.  With all of the support I have around me, from my family and friends, and with Max by my side, it's true - I can't lose.  In 2013, I am going to maintain focus on my goals, and even if I don't come out of every battle feeling victorious, I know I will be winning in the end.  JP loved my positive spirit (and even though he teased me, he liked my feisty, competitive side as well), and I will not let myself get defeated.  Can't Lose!